I've never forgotten about you even for a single day
♥ ALHAMDULILLAH YA RABB . May ALLAH send me to Uthmaniah earth safely.♥

Pack Barang =)

Sedar tak sedar , sudah hampir tiba masa ku untuk meninggalkan rumahku , kawan2ku dan lain2 la . Well , as you know i'm going to a vacation maybe for almost 2 weeks though . Now , i'm packing all my clothe and more stuff that i should bring for a vacation ^^
Please pray for me and my family to always be safe ^^ I hope , i'll have "rezeki" to buy some sourvenier for my friends . InsyaAllah . =)
For those who're just at home , take care yea ^^ do your Cuti Terancang well . finish all the project given and good luck ^^


Thankyou for reading :) Give me some advice .


  1. Hi, Nice post! Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.




comment a good thing ok.