I've never forgotten about you even for a single day
♥ ALHAMDULILLAH YA RABB . May ALLAH send me to Uthmaniah earth safely.♥


Sebelum kita bercerita pasal PIDATO , meyh baca pasal exam untuk hari ini .
Tak tahu la nak cakap macam mana .,..
Soalan semuanya macam apa tah . Susah sangat-sangat .
Lagi-lagi BIOLOGY , dah la nak reka ayat sendiri pun tak boleh . Semuanya kena tulis fakta .
Ayat sains bukannya korang tak tahu . Ada perkataan tu susah nak sebut apa lagi nak mengeja. NI la akibat jadi budak sains . Almaklumla , i xminat membaca . Disebabkan BIO ni kena banyak membaca , so memang FAIL la i . NO NO ! tak nak FAIL . i nak lulus .
"Ya Allah , semoga 50% jawapan yang aku jawab adalah jawapan yang betul." Amiin..
Ok, now we talk about PIDATO .
I though teacher forgot about me : that i'd participated in a competition of speech last year.
Fortunately , haiyaa , teacher still remember about me .
When i walked to back home , suddenly my BM teacher called me and said about that . She said that she had gave me name for speech's competition .
Ahhhhh !! I'm not sure whether i can do it or not .
I can't stand infront of people , i'm always nervouse that can make people laugh by see my shatter's hand ! HAHA.
Seriously , i don't know how to participate it since i don't have much time too get ready for it . Moreover, i didn't get ready for my Islamic education yet that need to memorize the contents . AHhh, what to do ?? =='
"Ya Allah , tenangkanlah jiwaku daripada kekacauan ini Ya Allah" Amiinn .

OK, i'll get ready for it !
Bismillahirrahma nirrahhim...

Thankyou .

Thankyou for reading :) Give me some advice .

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