I've never forgotten about you even for a single day
♥ ALHAMDULILLAH YA RABB . May ALLAH send me to Uthmaniah earth safely.♥

Dia telah membuatkan hari-hari aku....


I'm still can't believe it that he had told me that " ilikeyouandloveyou" . If you were i , what would you feel if your ideal types say that they love you ? Emm, i'm feel that he had bring me into my day . I'm felt so much happy . Ahh, i think thats this is the first time i got my true love after almost 8 month i'm wait for him XD Aww~~ ALLAH were really listened to my DOA . I'm so gratefull to ALLAH . I don't know what to do else after i knew that he like me. Haishhh ~
Apabila tahu jer bahawa dia juga suka pada aku , ada juga terfikir " macam mana nak face to face dengan dia kat sekolah nanti ?" " aku ni tak ada rasa malu ke?" .. Uhhh, tapi .. aku tak berfikir panjang sangat pasal tu . Yang pasti , aku rasa dia telah beri semangat yang baru pada aku . Yeah , walau bagaimanapun , Jodoh itu rahsia ALLAH . Tak siapa pun tahu bagaimanakah rupa jodoh kita tuh . Tapi tak mustahil kan jika ALLAH ingin merapatkan hubungan kita dengan mendekatkan jodoh kepada kita [depan mata je ] .

Wallahualam .

Hopefuly la, we''re will be a great couple . but i'm not think about couple + love .
just like + love XD
Ok, that's all for today :)

thank you.

Thankyou for reading :) Give me some advice .

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