I've never forgotten about you even for a single day
♥ ALHAMDULILLAH YA RABB . May ALLAH send me to Uthmaniah earth safely.♥

Good news for me ! XD


Aww~~ i didn't expected that he'll tell me that he's also like me :) Woahh, i'm super shocked once i know he like me too. i don't know he like me since when . because i'm just got know about it just now. Wahh, bersyukur gila ! Alhamdulillah ..
BTW, he said that he was felt sad + sorry to like me cuz , i don;t because of what . but, i'm just waiting for it . and it's ok if he don't like me that much because i'm still felt grateful since he had said that he like me at first :) Thank You ALLAH because YOU'RE really kind to me. Alhamdulillah.

thank you.

Thankyou for reading :) Give me some advice .

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comment a good thing ok.