I've never forgotten about you even for a single day
♥ ALHAMDULILLAH YA RABB . May ALLAH send me to Uthmaniah earth safely.♥

#wish birthday to Schazwani

Heyheyhey guys !
Thau tak esok berapa hari bulan ?
wah, lawa kan number tuh ? HOHO..
Saenggil Chukka Hamnida | Happy Birthday | Selamat Hari Jadi
to my belove friend + sister + member ^^
Such a great number.
Hopefuly, it'll be your wonderful day .
Since your birthday is on FRIDAY, the day thats full of RAHMAT.
May ALLAH BLESS you dear ^^
Wish you good luck in your SPM [next year] ^^
And hope you'll success in your career:)
Sorry, tak cukup bajet nak beli hadiah ! HAHA . harap dimaafkan :)

hehe, thankyou :)
from your nice friend ^^

Thankyou for reading :) Give me some advice .

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